Aluketiya (EL/218) covers an area of 28km2 and is located approximately 80km south-southeast of Colombo. It lies on the eastern limb of a large regional scale northwest trending antiform, which is intersected by a number of significant cross structures.

Lithologies recorded within the region are high grade, granulite facies metamorphic rocks ranging from charnockitic gneiss to garnet-sillimanite-biotite gneisses of the Highland Complex.

Numerous graphite occurrences have historically been mapped and are depicted on GSMB 1:100,000 geology maps of the area, with several forming north-south trending clusters sub parallel to the regional geological fabric. The area was described by the GSMB as having been “one of the chief graphite producing areas on the island” (Herath and Meewakkala, 2008). The area was investigated by the GSMB in 1974 and included the Aluketiya, Bogkanada, Meddahena and other abandoned mines in the broader Meehahatenna area. Numerous pits ranging from 300 to 780 ft. deep were identified at 108 localities; these mines were operational at various stages during the period 1906 to 1957.

Three priority 1 targets were identified during the 2017 airborne EM survey and all represent walk-up drill targets as data gained indicates the strike and dip direction of the graphite conductors.

One target area was partly tested in 2019 prior to relocating the Company’s rig back to Ridee Ganga to complete the infill and extension drilling campaign. Grab samples taken from old stockpiles in the area returned grades ranging from 90.5-99.3% fixed carbon. Follow up drilling at Aluketiya will occur once the current drilling campaigns are completed at Pathakada.

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