The Waharaka Project (EL/294) covers an area of 21km2 and is located roughly 40km east of Colombo and 15km southwest of the largest operational mine in Sri Lanka at Bogala.
Government mapping had indicated numerous graphite occurrences, while field reconnaissance by the Company has located nine areas of historical mine workings, including shafts and adits.
Garnet sillimanite biotite gneiss, charnockitic gneiss, and hornblende biotite gneiss of the Highland Complex underlay the area. These lithologies form a series of synformal and antiformal structures, with associated regional shear zones trending north-northwest to south-southeast. The GSMB 1;100,000 geological mapping records two major shears, plus cross-cutting features in the north and south of the tenements.
Two high priority targets were identified during modelling of the AEM survey that warrant further detailed ground EM and drilling.